Products & Services

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Heat Exchangers

TiTaN, understanding the underlying principles of exchanger design, has developed significant innovative technologies in the design and fabrication of heat exchangers suitable for a wide range of chemical processes when used as coolers, chillers, heaters, condensors, evaporators, falling-film evaporators, recuperators etc.

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Columns And Towers

TiTaN have developed an internationally-recognized reputation for developing engineering and offering metal fabrication solutions for alternative energies, bio-products, and process industries – chemical, petrochemical, ClO2 Plants, fertilizers, chemicals, formic acid plants, acetic acid plants, fine chemicals, bulk drugs, pharmaceuticals, mining & minerals, refineries, pulp and paper ; compliant with demanding process constraints such as corrosion, high pressure and high temperature.

TiTaN’s Metallic columns can be used as stripper columns, Distillation columns, Saponification columns, Drying columns, Light ends columns, Absorption towers, Leach vessel, emergency scrubbers, knock out drums, cyclone separators or other specified constructions.

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Heating Cooling Immersion Coils

TiTaN has the capability to manufacture coils with a wide range of materials including titanium, tantalum, nickel, monel, zirconium,hast alloy, inco alloys and special grade stainless steel. TiTaN's corrosion resistant coils are also available to help match a corrosion and chemical erosion solution to your budget.

Whether your factory environment is acidic or alkaline, salt-laden, or de-ionized, we have the capability to select the proper combination of materials to match your duty requirements. TiTaN efficiently manufactures a wide range of coil sizes and dimensions.

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Tailor Made Equipments

TiTaN manufactures custom built equipment such as :

Flue gas separator (titanium seperators for chemical plant)
Nickel vapor duct (nickel ducts for caustic fusion plant)
Candle filter (titanium, nickel,zirconium, monel, inconel fileters)
Venturi (ventury) (titanium Gr7 venturies for ARP plants)
Ti lined plug screw conveyor (for pulp & paper industries)
Titanium lined chemical mixer (for pulp&paper industries)
Sparger pipe (titanium, zirconium, Ni pipes for chemical plant)
Cladded channel (Ni, tantalum duplex, hastelloy clad channels)
Quench cooler (quench coolers for pulp and paper industries)
Spray nozzle (titanium, zirconium, hastelloy,nickel, SS)
Vibration dampener (titanium, duplex, zirconium,monel, SS)
Ritort (tantalum, nickel retort for caustic chlorine plants)
ClO2 generator (titanium generator for chlorine dioxide plant)
Expansion bellow (Ti Gr 7 bellow for acid regeneration plant)
Acid lance (titanium grade 7 acid lance for acid regeneration)
Sparay boom header (Ti grade 7 header for ARP plants)
Spray nozzle (titanium Gr 7 nozzles for acid regeneration plants)
Filter feed drum (super duplex feed drum for PTA plants)

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Mother Liquor Pre Heater

An equipment of its kind of falling film heat exchangers in the ammonia recovery system, which stands for technological improvement of Solvay's Soda Ash manufacturing technology. This equipment eliminates periodic maintenance and tube replacements in gas coolers as well other equipments.

TiTaN supplied the 20 Tons titanium tubes bundle along with flow distribution cartridges which is the critical element of this falling film type heat exchanger's performance. TiTaN assembled the FRP shell with tube bundle & flow elements at-site with a specialized team of engineers to supervise the critical installation and commissioning.

About Us * Advanced Water Treatment * Anode Baskets (Titanium) * Batch Chlorinators * Blowers * Cathodic Protection * Caustic Fusion Accessories * Caustic Recovery Machinery * Centrifugal Pumps In Non Corrosive Metals * Chemical Dosing Pumps * Chlor Alkali Technology * Close Coupled Pumps * Coils Titanium Coils * Columns And Towers * Commercial Salt Water Pool Chlorinator * Condensers * Continuous Electro De Ionization Cell * Dimensionally Stable Anodes * Effluent Treatment Plant * Electro Oxidation Cell * Electrolyzers * Electroplating * Electroplating Jigs And Racks * Electroplating Titanium Baskets * Fasteners * Fluid Dynamics * Gravure Cylinder And Roller Chrome Plating * Heat Exchangers * Heater Titanium Heaters * Heaters Titanium Heaters * Heating Cooling Immersion Coils * High Strength Hypo Bleach Plant * Hygienic Pumps For Pharmaceuticals * Hypopac Concentric Tubular Cell * Industrial Pumps * Klorogen Bw Ship Ballast Water Cell * Klorogen Parallel Plate Electrolyzer * Marine Growth Prevention System * Mini Chlor Alkali Plant * Mixed Metal Oxide Iccp Anode * Mobile Chlorine Generators * Mother Liquor Pre Heater * Onsite Hypochlorite Generating Systems * Onsite Hypochlorite Generator * Pipes And Pipefittings * Plating Titanium Baskets * Platinised I. C. C. P Anodes * Platinized Niobium Metal Anodes * Platinized Titanium Metal Anodes * Pressure Vessels * Process Cooling Water Treatment System * Reaction Vessels * Reactors * S. S. Vessels * Seawater Chlorination Systems * Sewage Treatment System Domestic * Ship Ballast Water Treatment System * Special Metal Electrodes * Special Products * Strirage Vessels * Tailor Made Equipments * Tantalum Repair Kit * Titanium Basket * Titanium Baskets * Titanium Coils * Titanium Heater * Titanium Heaters * Titanium Heaters Baskets Coils * Vacuum Pumps * Valves * Coil (Titanium Coils) * Electroplating (Titanium Products) * Baskets (Titanium Baskets) * Metal Finishing (Titanium Products) * Heating Coils (Titanium Heating Coils) * Plating (Titanium Products) * Drum Filter * Injection Solution Kettle * Chemical Plants (Pressure And Reaction Vessels, Heat Exchangers, Tanks, ) * Air Receiver * Chemical Plants * Chemical Machinery (Pressure And Reaction Vessels, Heat Exchangers, Tanks, ) * Chemical Process Plants * Hydro Cyclone * After Cooler * Caustic Recovery Plant * Pressure Vessels (Chemical Plants) * Reactor Vessels * Reaction Vessels (Chemical Machinery) * Reaction Vessels (Chemical Plants) * Pressure Vessels (Chemical Machinery) * Sterile Reactor * Ss Tank (Chemical Plants) * Ss Tank (Chemical Machinery) * Vacuum Receiver * Refrigerated Air Dryer